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Essence Embodiment

Embody your most authentic Self

  • 1 uu 30 min.
  • 88 euro
  • Prins Hendrikplein

Beschrijving van de dienst

It is time to embody our most authentic selves. And therefore bringing healing to the parts that have fallen out of alignment with the truth of our being. This is what I provide within my Essence Embodiment sessions. Before our session I invite you to reflect on what you would like to receive during this ceremonial space. This will be the input to create an intention we set before our session. Giving focus and direction to your desires. After setting the intention I will guide you on a journey into a deeply relaxed state so you become aware of the subtle energies moving within and around your body. We will connect in with your purest essence and invite that light, that is you, into your body. In that light we can see clearly what is out of alignment with your authentic self. Whether that is a limiting belief, a stored emotion, trauma (from this or past lifetimes, ancestral).. anything in separation for us to alchemize back into wholeness. From there we follow your body’s intelligence. I will hold space and guide you to connect with your body’s natural medicines and innate healing abilities. So you can recognize and ground your true essence within your body. Uncovering more and more of your authentic self, your potential and sharing your unique expression within this world. If you want to book a session on another day or an online session please contact me.


Reserveringen voor behandelingen kunnen tot uiterlijk 24 uur voor het desbetreffende tijdstip worden geannuleerd, daarna wordt het hele bedrag in nota gebracht. Reserveringen voor workshops kunnen tot 5 dagen voor de desbetreffende workshop kosteloos worden geannuleerd. Daarna wordt 50% in rekening gebracht. Op de dag zelf geldt geen restitutie.


  • Prins Hendrikplein 18, 2518 JC Den Haag, Netherlands

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